This is the last post from an RP called The Four Roses. It's my favorite post ever!
Athena plodded on, her ribs showing beneath her glossy fur every time she exhaled. She was in bad shape- and she definitely knew it. Her razor-sharp daggers ripped the untrodden earth on with she walked. Her plume swept the earth behind her, simply out of habit; she was not feeling very cheerful at the moment.
There was an abundance of appalling hatred in this place; it emanated from everything. Everywhere, there was hatred-- hatred and fear. Athena wondered what had happened that was so horrible, so unspeakable, that all rocks, all trees, all nature seemed to cry out against it.
Athena was naturally-- or, one could say, unnaturally-- gifted with prescience, the ability to see into the Future, or sometimes even into the Past. But right now, she was sensing the ghastly events of the Present.
She abruptly lifted her head, her orbs wide. Ah, her orbs! Those pearly-white orbs that had scared many a pack to attacking her, chasing her, hating her. Perhaps the hatred was coming from another pack that had seen her? Athena did not know. But she hoped, with the great expanse of her heart, that perhaps this one would be different. But the hatred, the shocking revulsion coming from this place! What was it? What had caused it?
Perhaps she would never know. Yet, she wanted to know, to understand why this place was so loathsome, so horrific. The appearances were pleasant enough, but... Athena shuddered; this place was getting to her. But she instead swallowed hard, and concentrated. Sometimes, if she wanted to see something hard enough, she could almost will a vision to come.
And now, she willed for it; she wanted to see, to know, to learn. And--sadly, it worked.
She saw, and she wept for the wolves that had projected their hate and fear into their ultimate resting place. Athena wept, and where her tears struck the hated ground, they glimmered-- yet did not sink. From that time on, till the end of the world, that patch of ground shone with a pure, holy light whenever the sunlight hit it.
Athena hit the ground with a loud thump, exhausted by her efforts at calling a vision. Unconsciously, she howled, a "please help me" howl with a hint of "newcomer" in it. The last thing she saw was the patch of ground she cried on.
Funny, she thought,
it doesn't look like ground. And my leg hurts... Athena realized she had landed on her leg.
Oh no... Then all was dark.
This is a continuation of that first post, other people posted in the middle. Someone has moved her broken leg.
"Aaaaaaaaaahh!" Athena woke up with a noise halfway between a scream or a yell. Her orbs flashed wide open, revealing themselves again to all those present, simply responding to a natural reflex.
A sharp, penetrating bolt of pain had shot into her brain with the force of a lightning bolt. Her still-muddled brain had no idea what had happened; it was just aware of the presence of excruciating pain. Her severely broken leg had been prodded- it had been moved. That was bad. Very, very bad.
Athena was not a healer-wolf, not would she ever be. But still she knew, a thought dimly popping up at the back of her mind, that broken limbs should not be moved. Yet it had moved, but not under her own volition. Therefore, her confused mind concluded, someone else had moved it. An obvious statement, but at the present moment, it was the best she could do.
Pain was still making its way through her nerves into her head, and it was keeping her awake. So, as long as she was awake, she could do something about her leg. Slowly, the veins in her neck bulging out, she raised her maw to gaze at the wolven around her.
One was a large, brown-pelted brute, towering over her in her recumbent state. His orbs were amber-colored, and they were wide in astonishment and panic. Athena chose to disregard the note of fear lingering in his orbs.
The other was obviously a fae, her delicate stature belying her gender. Athena's blurred vision could not make out anything else, except that the fae was standing closer to the injured piston. She was the one who had probably moved the leg.
Athena took a sharp, hissing breath through her ivories as another wave of pain rushed through her head. She looked at the fae, her eyes narrowing slightly.
"What do you want? Why did you do that?" Athena asked softly, with no trace of anger or negative emotion in her voice.
Here's the last part where she's introducing herself.
Athena inwardly cringed at the brute's tone; she definitely felt like an outsider. But was she truly intruding? she wondered. If this was simply the borderlands... Perhaps this pack was overly protective of all their land. Ah well, she thought. At least they had come to help her.
Then the pretty fae spoke, and Athena's startling orbs widened even more, but quickly flicked back to their normal position--not too open, but not squinting. Just normal. The only normal thing about them, she thought bitterly. Power always comes with a price, her father had instructed her. How true that was. But she would deal with that later; there were more immediate problems.
"I apologize, sir, if I am trespassing on the lands of your pack. I did not intend to voluntarily break the law of the pack. Yet, now that I am here, I wish to ask admittance into the pack of the Four Roses." She inwardly winced; too many big words. She took a deep breath, for here she would prove her bravery.
"My name is Athena Corana, and I am one of the seers." She exhaled slowly, watching the expressions on the two wolves' faces change. Athena closed her lids over her orbs, hoping to find something in her brain that would ease the almost palpable tension hanging in the air between the wolves-- and her. She was the cause of their tension. Then she had an idea-- a semi-good idea. Athena decided to try it.
She smiled gently at the petite fae. "Actually you're correct, I am not blind. I can see-- no pun intended-- that you have a very good sense of intuition." Athena thought that went all right, but had not done much except to bring a flicker of a smile to the edge of the fae's--Harlem's, they had been introduced--mouth. Had she smiled? Athena, for once, did not know.
And this is the URL:!